Our Curriculum

The Busikids Curriculum 2025

As you may be aware, in September 2021, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework was revised, for all early year’s settings. The Government’s two main aims for changing the EYFS were:

  • To improve outcomes at age five, particularly in early language and literacy
  • Reduce workload so that practitioners can spend more time interacting with children in their care

The EYFS has also been updated since, in January 2024, to reflect recent operational changes mostly.

Please click on the link below:

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (publishing.service.gov.uk)

At Busikids, we offer an inclusive environment which supports all children to feel welcome and excited to be with their friends. Where the provision is creative, constructive and imaginative, and reflects their home life and community as well as nursery life, and also the world they may not have experienced.

To do this, we are giving our playrooms a makeover and a refresh once again, to enable the children to feel more comfortable, and inquisitive at the same time. We have chosen to follow aspects from The Curiosity Approach, Parents (thecuriosityapproach.com) , which –

  • Encourages children to become independent thinkers who can explore their environment with curiosity
  • Provides a homely environment to help children feel comfortable and safe
  • Uses real life resources rather than indestructible plastic, to teach children risks and consequences
  • Uses some reclaimed and recycled materials which is discussed with the children

Photographs of our new environment are being uploaded

We have reviewed how and what the children are learning, again. We took into account our children’s individual needs, our families and wider community, and what the children could learn from us. The result is The Busikids Curriculum 2025please follow this link for full details.

We will also be looking at the underpinning behaviours children use in order to learn, called Characteristics of Effective Learning, and using these to help us to provide better experiences for the children too. These are divided into three groups

Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

Playing and exploring - finding out and exploring, playing with what they know, being willing to ‘have a go.’

Active learning - being involved and concentrating, keeping trying, enjoying achieving what they set out to do. Effective learning must be meaningful to a child, so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations3.

Every child is unique and therefore, not all children may achieve all goals. It is ok, we will do our best to help them reach for the stars…